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In our discussion of reality given the human brain and mind and it's openess to illusion and error and confusion and the hallucinogenic drug DMT secreted into the brain , we went  back to the old testament and the subject of the manna from heaven which is discussed in the Book of Exodus.

What drove me there is the fact that so many of the most famous scientists admit to have taken drugs when they made discoveries that have changed the world.

Obviously the Bible has changed the world and so I inquired as to the condition of the mind of its writers.

First, as far as scientist who admitted taking drugs here are just a few.


From left to right first across the top and then across the bottom.

Francis Crick who discovered the structure of DNA---Stephen Gould who authored many books on science and evolution-----Brilliant Astronomer Carl Sagan-------Physicist Richard Feynman who won the Nobel prize for quantum electrodynamics-----Kerry Mullis who discovered the way for scienctists to duplicate strands of DNA-------Famous holistic physician and teacher Dr Andrew Weil-----Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud-----Psychoanalyst Carl Jung.

There are many others but the point is that each of them credited hallucinogenic drugs for giving them the ability to discover the life changing things that they did.

The question then is what is it that is open to the mind that exists on the other side of our physical realm that has enlightened so many of these scientists to these discoveries. Why couldn't they have accomplished these things in the normal 3 dimension 5 senses physical state.

One may say that it is not natural for scientists to do this but that opinion is countered by the fact that the Pineal Gland of the brain secretes into the brain what is known to be a hallucinogenic drug known as DMT (dimetyltryptamine).

So the next question would be, why has God or nature seen fit to build a mechanism into the human brain that makes a hallucinogenic drug available which has only one purpose and that is to hallucinate?

This next overhead declares the fact that anyone at anytime can look into the internet and see for themselves.


There is a very interesting point concerning the number 49 here. Noted quantum physicist Paul Davies describes the Wheeler Feynman transactional theory and I will just skim the top so we do not get into areas of complete confusion.

But here is the idea. The pineal gland appears in the fetus around 49 days after conception.

The pineal gland being made of atoms has electrons which interact with external electrons. In other words external or higher electrons will communicate with electrons of the pineal gland. A transaction takes place between electrons at different locations.

You see once the pineal gland is in place then the electrons in that pineal gland will be contacted with external electrons. Let's call those external electrons God electrons.

What happens is called an Electromagnetic Transaction between the electrons in you and the electrons somewhere else. Let us look at this.


So as the fetus evolves, on the 49th day the pineal gland develops. Remember this is the light receptor of the body and God is light according to the Bible.

So for the sake of discussion let us call the emitter God and the absorber the fetus.

God electron communicates with the fetus electron by sending a wave. God energy will be entering into the fetus. Fetus electrons sends a wave back confirming the energy to come and the transaction is complete.

There is another slide that Davies gives us that simplifies the process that actually takes place between electrons.


So what goes on within the electro reality here is a wave offering from the emitter God and a confirmation wave from the absorber human fetus.

Thus the God energy becomes the single energy source in the fetus until it is born and that energy is gradually peeled away by family, education, religion, government etc.

At the point the person is no longer one energy but two energies. God energy and human energy and they both vie for control.

So we have the pineal Gland electron active in the fetus the 49th day when the wave offering and wave confirmation takes place.

What makes this interesting is contained in the Bible.

In the scriptures of the Old Testament the High Priest would make a wave offering and it is curious when this was ordained to be done.


So here we have the pineal gland appearing on the 49th day. The wave offering between electrons taking place and here in the sctipture we see the wave offering taking place on the seventh sabbath which is 49 . 49 weeks yes, but 49.

A wave offering between electrons takes place.  The electrons of the pineal gland appear on  49 and the Biblical wave offering is 49.

We have centered this around the Pineal Gland or Single Eye and its importance Biblically is obvious.

Jacob wrestles with an angel.


And Jesus identifies the place of enlightenment

Your whole body shall be full of light and we know that the single eye or Pineal secretes DMT into the brain and DMT is an illegal hallucinogenic.

So it would seem reasonable for us to assume that there is set apart from our 3 dimensional physical reality a reality where God dwells and which is only accessible when one transcends the limits of the human brain.

This in no way suggests that one should take drugs of any kind. It is totally unnecessary because God has built in the DMT to the human brain and it is available to take you where you need to go.

What you must do is consume yourself in meditation and this is something that most people have a stiff reluctance to do.

Last week when we discussed this element of God or spirits or angels or those who have gone on being accessible only when one is high preferably through naturally secreted DMT, we discussed the question of bread from heaven. Manna.

Scientific research tells us that manna is actually a hallucinogen and that in and of itself would tells us where the bizarre Biblical stories came from.

This is so critically important because if indeed the Biblical prophets were stoned and hallucinating then our holy book is one that may indeed tell us of the bizarre nature of the sub atomic we refer to as Heaven or the place of angels and god.

See as the manna is described in the Book of Exodus.


 That is the description from the Bible concerning manna. Found in the early morning, and if left , it rots, fills with worms and smells.

Now we compared this with the description of something not mentioned in name by the Bible.


 So here is the comparison and feeling that the Biblical manna was actually mushrooms and of course it became the food of the Gods as it was referred to because people were having hallucinations as a result of ingesting them.

 It certainly gives the statement, manna from heaven, a whole new meaning doesn't it?

The Biblical manna description is the same as the description of mushrooms and the fact that this manna was kept in the most holy place etc in the Bible certainly gives credence to the fact that the Biblical prophets were high on something.

Let us look at the mushroom as a hallucinogenic from Wilipedia.


Where it identifies a psychoactive tryptamine in the first paragraph keep in mind that the drug secreted by the pineal gland into the brain is dimethyltryptamine.


I want you to look closely at the first paragraph where people experience intense feelings of being connected with a higher power and it is believed that this is what is referred to in the Bible as the Bread of God.

Now let us look at the results of the mushroom test at John Hopkins.



 Note that the manna was kept in the Holiest place.

The evidence is very strong that the manna was mushroom and that it certainly could be the source of the visions experienced by Bible writers and prophets.

What I want to share with you is a fact and a very important fact. We are talking about and have been talking about hallucinations as being very possibly what we have been raised to consider as spirit or God or angels or Holy Spirit etc.

We know that the hallucinatory drug DMT is naturally produced within the human brain.

Now consider this. What is the scientific name for hallucinatory drugs such as DMT.


So an entheogen is plant matter with hallucinogenic effects. Hence manna.

Now what is the origin of the word entheogen?


So there we have it. A plant substance which provides a hallucination is called an entheogen which literally mean something that generates God within a person.

Now what is also interesting is that taking the wafer of communion which is certainly not a hallucinogenic experience was approached differently in earlier times.


 In order to pursue the reality of this I want to introduce you to a new member of our scientific community of whom so many have been previously introduced to you. Meet Dan Merkur



Dan Merkur and his book, The Psychedelic Sacrament

These are the various points that Dan Merkur makes in the book relative to his evaluation of the Bible and its connection with hallucinogenics.



I researched Moses Maimonides and could not find a reference to the meditation which Merkur refers to but of course that does not mean he did not find it somewhere. I have read reviews of his book and I do not find anyone challenging him on this.

Let us consider the Bible for a moment and let us consider the fact that so many people of this generation and ones before who turned out to be significant contributors to the culture etc, turned out to be taking drugs.

Why would not that be the same then for people in Biblical times.


These are all psychedelic plants. They certainly were around during Biblical times and the Bible itself testifies to this fact. It testifies to the fact that Bible heroes used psychedelics.

The deal was that Leah was married to Jacob. Rachel broke that up and lived with Jacob. Leah and Jacob had a son by the name of Reuben. This is what happened.



This sordid tale of sex and drugs is recorded in the Bible and in this particular case it was over a bunch of mandrakes.


So whatever these people were into , the mandrakes were enough to complete a husband swapping deal and we all know that Jacob wound up wrestling with and angel and watching angels going up and down a ladder.

There is certainly enough evidence to suggest that some of the scripture we have been raised with and consider most holy comes from the fried minds of people who were stoned on drugs.

That does not necessarily mean that what was written in the scripture was not true. What it does mean is that it is not true from a literal sense but certainly can be pointing us to an alien world of very strange things that can only be reached when the mind is detached from the 3 dimension physical reality we occupy now.

But what have we taken as our directions for quality of life and moral standards? We have great question concerning the origin of the things written in the Bible which is the foundation for so many people.

Is it possible that all of those strange things in the Bible were the result of people ingesting things that made them hallucinate ?

There has been a horrendus war going on in the middle east for 5 years at the direction of a person who claims to be a born again Christian.

The Christian believes there must be a war between different factions in the middle East which becomes Armageddon and heralds the return which Christianity says will be Jesus  riding a white horse through the clouds.

So it is very important for a Christian believing person to hasten the return of Jesus in their mind by supporting violence and war in the Middle East.

So could it be that the hallucinations of someone back in the Bible times is what a large number of people are supporting to bring Jesus back which results in so much death and destruction?

Books have sold millions of copies about that very things. One in particular called The Late Great Planet earth by Hal Lindsay.

in other words Christianity is in a conflict with itself.

On one hand they claim Jesus as Lord, knowing that he is the ultimate pacifist and prince of peace, while at the same time preaching that his return requires a nuclear war in the middle East called Armageddon.

That is why so many Christian leaders are strong supporters of war.

They miss read and miss understand the mythical writings of of ancient text and thus become extremely destructive.


The serpent told Osama to attack the world trade center.

The serpent told George Bush to attack Iraq.

What devastation has come from that wily snake.

So there we have a psychiatric or psychological evaluation of the human psyche that Christianity and I guess all of religion has missed, by believing that the woman sat down and a snake slithered next to her and began to have a conversation.

But what Genesis is actually referring to in the story of the talking serpent is the conversations one has with oneself.


We see even in our own state the results of ignorance on the part of religious people witholding the very healing power of God from people.


On the voting list this past Tuesday was a question for people to consider spending money on stem cell research.

It was voted down because pastors in their churches got out the vote.


They believe that a stem cell is a human being.







 But when social and political decisions are made by religious people, that's what you get.

The dark ages.

The discrimination against women and against gays are all part of the dark ages mentality that is religion.

The rejection of the theory of evolution is pure religious dark ages mentality.

 Whatever came out of the hallucinations of the people who wrote the Bible are visions from the other side. Visions from the parallel world, reduced to symbol, and myth to teach us the realities of life.

Religion by taking these hallucinations literally are truly like the person who seems something that is physically not there but does not know that it is physically not there.