Image result for DRINKING WITH A STRAW


They may prevent some tooth staining -

but dentists warn there are more risks

than benefits for your mouth, metabolism and skin.


Experts say there are some risks associated

with drinking through straws.


They can accelerate aging,

cause tooth decay, gas and bloating.



Many people believe they are protecting

their teeth by drinking through straws.





Millions of Americans use them to protect

their tooth enamel, prevent staining

and to reduce the exposure to germs and

bacteria on restaurant glasses or

on-the-go coffee cups.  



Indeed, studies stretching back decades

have shown drinking through straws c

an reduce the risk of cavities and decay.



However, experts warn that it could be a myth.


They say straws do very little to protect teeth from

serious damage and using them may

do more harm than good.



Drinking through a straw could

prematurely age the skin around the mouth.



'When you drink from a straw you pucker your lips

in repetitive motion similar to smokers

and over time this increases the formation of

wrinkles around the mouth,'



Image result for Dr Lana Rozenberg

Dr Lana Rozenberg

New York-based cosmetic dentist

told Daily Mail Online. 


This is because people who frequently use straws

are repeatedly using the

the orbicularis oris muscle,

which encircles the opening of the mouth.


This will cause deep lines around the mouth.



Contracting these muscles 'create a number

of small parallel lines around the mouth

that deepen over time as skin ages,' said


Dr Sonam Yada,

Image result for dR sONAM YADAV



medical director of

Juverne, a medical practice in New Delhi. 



Furthermore, a 2015 study published in Cell Research

revealed smokers tend to develop wrinkles around

the mouth due to the constant pursing of

the lips to suck on a cigarette.



Many people believe using a straw will protect

the teeth from stain-causing drinks like

coffee and red wine, but some experts say

that’s not the case.


California-based dentist


Dr Mark Burhenne

Image result for Dr Mark Burhenne



  told Daily Mail Online

that the idea that drinking through a straw

will lessen the exposure of teeth to staining -

one that is even supported by some dentists -

is 'absolutely not true.'



'Next time you drink from a straw,

try to notice if you feel the drink from the straw

touching your teeth,' said Dr Burhenne,

creator of

Ask The Dentist,

a site to help people understand dental health.



'I guarantee you will feel the drink

on your teeth,' he added.



Dr Burhenne said that even if sugary liquids

and stain-causing drinks

bypass the front teeth,

the ones in the back are still exposed.



He said the only way to protect the teeth is

by placing the straw behind the tongue and

sip the drink straight down the throat.


But this method is uncomfortable and impractical,

adding that it would be similar to taking shots.


He added that the tongue can also contribute

to teeth-staining.



'The tongue is in constant contact with the teeth,

so if soda or coffee touches your tongue,

it will also get on your teeth,' Dr Burhenne said.


'If you’ve tasted the drink, the teeth have been exposed.'

3. Drinking through a straw can cause cavities and tooth decay




Dr Paul Sussman

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 of the Center for Cosmetic Dentistry

added that drinking through a straw does

not reduce the risk of cavities.



'The [sugary or acidic] liquid still makes

contact with the teeth,

so plaque can still form and lead to cavities

if you don't practice good oral hygiene,' he said.



Previous studies have shown drinking

through straws can increase the risk of cavities.



A report published in the 2005 issue of General Dentistry

found straws can increase the risk of decay and cavities

if people are frequently directing the liquid to a

particular area in their mouth.



The concentrated direction of sugar can

cause to teeth to deteriorate more quickly.  



That report also revealed people are at a higher risk

of their front teeth decaying

if they drink through a straw positions at

the front of their mouth,

right behind the lips and in front of the teeth.



'When you drink sugary and acidic drinks

through the straw, make sure to position

the straw behind the teeth so the contact of the liquid

to teeth is minimized,

otherwise you are bathing your teeth

in sugar and acid which can cause  

decay and erosion,'


Dr Rozenberg added.  

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Dr Lana Rozenberg





4. It can cause bloating and gas



Each sip through a straw draws air,

which can lead to bloating and stomach cramps.



'When you are drinking from a straw,

you also suck up some air with the liquid

which also causes bloating and gas,'

Dr Rozenberg explained.









Dr Jennifer Inra

A gastroenterologist at

Brigham and Women's Hospital

in Boston, told Prevention.


Image result for Dr Jennifer Inra




'One thing I counsel patients on is to avoid using a straw,' ,


'It causes you to swallow extra air.


Not only are you getting the liquid you're drinking,

ut you're also getting the air that's trapped

in the upper part of the straw.'


This can cause bloating, burping, gas,

and abdominal pain. 




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